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How to Prepare your Property for Sale

After making the decision to put your property on the market, the excitement of a fresh start and new beginnings are around the corner. However, it’s important not to forget that the property you’re currently in could soon be someone else’s new home, so it’s worthwhile giving it some love before it goes on the market.

Here are some suggestions to help make your home more eye-catching for photographers, and viewers further down the line:

Declutter – Pop unwanted furniture items on Facebook Marketplace and take the unused stack of DVDs to your local charity shop. Decluttering is important, but make sure your home still represents your personality and lifestyle.

Get your overalls on – We would recommend a fresh coat of paint, in a warm natural colour. This will help the rooms look bigger and brighter, as well as provide a blank canvas for viewers to use their imagination and see your home’s full potential in their own style.

Mirror on the wall – Another trick to help your home feel a little bit lighter and larger is to add wall mirrors in smaller rooms and hallways and pop a lamp in any darker corners of the house.

First impressions count – Put aside some time for outdoor upkeep. Maintain any front-garden space or paths and ensure windows, fences and gutters look in good working condition.

Time for a spring clean – It’s finally time to give the house a good deep clean. And, while you’re at it, fix up any small repairs like any broken tiles or doorknobs.

Smelling sensational – Bad smells would turn anyone away when viewing a home. However, the smell of a fresh pot of coffee or a nice candle can help create an alluring homey atmosphere.

The heart of the home – The kitchen is arguably the most important living space, so give it a little extra TLC. Consider refacing your kitchen cabinets, removing any large, unnecessary appliances, and decluttering the surfaces, except for a nice bowl of fruit.

Buy yourself to some flowers – A few plants or vases of flowers help add a sophisticated pop of colour, and lively refreshing dimensions, to your home.

Light the fire – If you have a fire, pop a few logs on, this is always a warm and inviting way to welcome someone into your home, and it will also show off a sought-after amenity.

If you’re thinking of selling your property, one of our property consultants would be delighted to offer you some home-improvement advice, tailored to you and your home, during an at-home valuation or an initial consultation call.

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